Montag, 15. Oktober 2012

Ich - 2.0

Das bin ich.
Mittels Pinsel und Farbe auf Leinwand gebracht vom überaus talentierten und von mir sehr geschätzten Künstler 
Es ist eine wahnsinnige Ehre für mich von ihm gefragt worden zu sein, ob er 
mich malen dürfe und natürlich habe ich nicht gezögert ihm zu antworten.
Nun bin ich Teil seines Projekts "Portraits 2.0". 
Vielen Dank dafür Lars!
Besucht seinen Blog um mehr über sein Projekt zu erfahren und um seine wunderbare Welt der Malerei zu entdecken, es lohnt sich!


That's me.
Brought on canvas through brush and colour by the very talented and valued artist 
I was so honoured being asked by him if he could paint me and of course i didn't hesitate to answer him.
Now i'm part of his project "Portraits 2.0".
Thank you so much Lars!
Visit his blog to learn more about his project and to discover his wonderful world of paintings, it's worth it!

1 Kommentar:

  1. Hello my friend!

    So cool, Lars did a great job!!!, is he swedish, his name sounds swedish ;)

    I'm doing great, work is killing me but besides that, it's just fine. Living in Oslo, which is quite similar to Sweden. Except that I never lived in a capital city before ;) It's very different but I think I like it.

    How are you?

    I'm glad you like my illustration, it's always a pleasure reading your comments! I really appreciate it <3

    Have a great weekend!

    Johanna, Sweden
